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Privacy policy & cookies

Following the implementation of the new European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679, we would like to inform you regarding the processing of personal data by MusicPal.

Processing Personal Data

Your personal data is subject to processing by MusicPal (contact info: telephone: +30 2107474471, e-mail: info [ΑΤ] musicpal [DΟΤ] gr, address: 2, Sevastoupoleos str., 11526 Athens, Greece) for the purposes of offering you online music lessons. MusicPal sends only personal emails (no group newsletters).

Your personal data will be stored by MusicPal throughout its operation or until the expiry of the period that is imposed by the legal provisions regarding the retention of personal data at MusicPal’s files.

Your rights

You have the right to receive by MusicPal confirmation as to whether your personal data is being processed and in this case, you retain the right to gain access to this data and all data related to the processing, such as the recipients of your personal data, the period of time your data will be stored etc.

You retain the right to ask for a copy of your personal data that is being processed, ask for the correction of inaccurate personal data, ask for its deletion and ask the termination of the processing of your personal data. Additionally, you have the right to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used form and recognizable by machines. You have the right to transmit your personal data to other processors without permission by MusicPal, to ask the direct transfer of your personal data from MusicPal to other processors as long as it is technically possible, to oppose at any time to the processing of your personal data for commercial purposes, to recall your consent at any time, to file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

For any question you might have with regards to the processing of your personal data or/and your personal rights, please do not hesitate to contact us at info [ΑΤ] musicpal [DΟΤ] gr.

Use of cookies

Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They might contain information on the web browser you use, the type of computer, its operating system, your internet providers and other technical details.

Cookies do not harm the electronic devices (computer, mobile, tablet) of the user, nor damage the saved files and they do not provide access to files in the electronic device of the user that visits the site Cookies do not reveal the user’s identity but they might be used to identify their electronic device.

The website uses cookies for the following purposes: (a) Google Analytics: To conduct research for statistical reasons and/or for the improvement of the content and the services provided by the website and/or to assess its efficiency. (b) Social networking: cookies are placed by the providers of social networking websites, so that the visitor can easily share the content of the website.

Most browsing programs accept cookies as a default, but the user can adjust the browser so as to block cookies or select which cookies to accept. If the use of blocking cookies is activated, some of the functions provided by the website might not be available, while some pages might not display properly.

The user can visit the website which provides instructions about the management of cookies, using different types of web browsers.


MusicPal does not control the availability, the content, the data protection policy and the quality of services provided by other websites visited through hyperlinks (links), for example Social Media Sites. Links have been placed exclusively for the ease of the website’s user, while the websites to which they refer to are subject to the corresponding terms of use of each website. The use of links does not constitute an indication of approval or acceptance of the content of the corresponding websites, while the organization does not bear any responsibility for their content nor for any damage that might occur from their use as the user can access them under their own responsibility.